Web 2.0

The first website I chose to look at from web 2.0 is Little Bird Tales. This is a website where kids can create and share stories by recording their voice. Kids can also upload pictures of them or ones that they have drawn themselves. There is also a place on the website to create artwork. After the students do both of these things they can create a story. So as you’re listening to the children read you their story, you’re also looking at their pictures, rather than looking at their paper. I think this would be a create website to use in a classroom to get students excited about writing stories because it would be a new and exciting way for them to share their work with their friends and family. I think a lot of younger students would enjoy working with this website and I think a lot of parents would enjoy listening to their children read their stories out loud.

Another website is KIDOZ. This is a website that lets parents or teachers download a browser that is designed to be used by children. This browser creates a safe environment for children to use the internet because it will block videos and websites that haven’t been approved, making it safe for children to explore online and parents or teacher won’t have to worry about kids looking at something they shouldn’t. I think this would be a great thing to use in younger aged classrooms. Using things like internet explorer can be easy for students to get around blocked websites, so I think KIDOZ could possibly be better to use since it is designed with kids in mind.

I think Whiz Kid Games would be a great game site for lower grade classes to use. It has a variety of games that teach kids important life skills but in a fun way. For example, one of the games focuses on the importance of communication and where to look at someone when they talk to you. Another game focuses on waiting and what you can do while you wait patiently in line. The only bad thing about this website is that the games have a lot of repetition in them, so older kids might lose excitement for it, but I think younger kids would really enjoy this website.

One thought on “Web 2.0

  1. I’m not familiar with Little Bird Tales, but it sounds fascinating. Would you be willing to share it with the class the next time we meet? KIdoz would be highly useful for teaching beginning research skills to early elementary students- and I appreciate your recognition that its value/appeal would be limited for older children. Sites like Whiz Kid Games are helpful as rewards and emergency time fillers- I’d recommend bookmarking them as you come across them this term for your teacher toolbox. PS- your blog looks awesome. Keep it up!

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