12 thoughts on “Leave comments here!

  1. I really liked your idea of learning about countries through technology. I know that for me, learning about geography was very difficult, so I think that doing your lesson in a classroom would be super beneficial for the students 🙂

  2. I really like the idea of learning about different countries via a project. Sometimes it is hard to be interested in the learning aspect, but I believe this project would do a great job of getting them interested.

  3. Good job finding resources for Geography! I really like your use of Sheppard’s. I like the use of maps, coloring and labeling too. It definitely adds to visualization and memory to use these kinds of resources. Good Job!

  4. I really liked that you gave the students a variety of websites to start their research with and to get them thinking about the different countries. You were very detailed on what you wanted from the students and loved that you tied in the worksheets each night.

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