What makes a successful online experience?

I think a successful online experience depends on how well the technology worked, if there were any problems with the technology not working or loading, causing a person to waste time or need to seek help. I think it also depends on the material. If the lesson was appropriate and worth learning, then I think […]

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning could become very useful for teachers. Since most students have cell phones and they will most likely appear during class, teachers can use them to their advantage rather than get upset over them. For example, teachers could use Socrative in their classroom as a way for students to leave the room. As in, […]

Digital Age Critical Thinking

I think information literate is hard to define. I think it would be hard to say someone is either information literate or illiterate. Information literacy  can be anywhere in between those two as well. I think many people have enough background knowledge to be able to say they are information literate, but there is always […]


I haven’t had a lot of practice with video creation or with podcasts but I think they could be great tools to use in a classroom. A lot of issues that come up with technology being used in schools is cost. Well, the good thing about podcasts and videos is that they aren’t expensive to […]


I think Flickr, or any other image program, would be great to use in a classroom. In the reading by Will Richardson, he mentioned that Flickr is an easy place for teachers and students to experiment with not only creating, but publishing content other than text. I think this is true and I like this […]

My website!

Here is a link to my website. I created my website as a place for me to keep all of the cool websites that I come across in this class and as I continue my education in teaching. 

Copyrighting and Presentations

It is very important that teachers model appropriate citations and  make sure to get permission to use copyrighted work because they are setting an example for their students. If students see that teachers don’t cite their sources or ask permission to use material then they aren’t going to think it’s important. If students see teachers […]

Web 2.0

The first website I chose to look at from web 2.0 is Little Bird Tales. This is a website where kids can create and share stories by recording their voice. Kids can also upload pictures of them or ones that they have drawn themselves. There is also a place on the website to create artwork. […]