Blogging with Students

I think blogging with students is a great idea. This is my first blog so I don’t have much experience or knowledge about them, but I think they are a fun idea and children would think it’s a fun and new way for them to practice their writing. Before students start blogging their teacher should explain what blogging is for, so they know what it is and they should know how to use it, how to navigate a blog page. Students should also be informed about the significant of safety when it comes to the internet. The students should know not to publish personal information and it’s important for them to know how to report issues. Another way to approach safety would be to make sure to inform the parents of the students. Make sure they know what the blog is being used for and maybe give them access to their child’s blog. I think blogs would be a great way for kids in the classroom to practice their writing skills. I would use a blog as a way for students to develop their writing skills and for a way for them to read their classmates writing as well.

Classroom blogs can meet many national and state technology standards. For example, one of the national standards is to “demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.” With classroom blogs, you can see student’s growth from the time they start their blogs to the end of the school year.  With blogs you can not only see the growth in their writing but with their use in technology. They start to become familiar with using hyperlinks and all types of technology shortcuts. One of the state standards is Creativity and Innovation and part of it says, “apply existing knowledge to forecast possibilities and generate new ideas, products, or processes.” Using classroom blogs can meet this standard because students will be using their knowledge of reading and writing to write about new ideas and processes on their blogs about technology.

Lesson plan for grade K-3. This lessons objective is to teach children how to tell time in a fun and creative way. The technology incorporated is an online clock that allows the student or a teacher to change time and see the difference between a digital and an analog clock. This lesson meets the national standard of demonstrating continual growth in technology knowledge, because not only will the students be learning to tell time, they will be becoming familiar with the program.  My reaction to this lesson is that it is a really good idea! I think this would be a really easy and fun way for children to learn how to tell time. I would definitely consider using this lesson plan when it comes to teaching students how to tell time.